Thursday, September 23, 2010

India ranked third among most powerful nations

Hello friends…
Do you know…?
India is listed as the third most powerful country in the world after the U.S. and China and the fourth most powerful bloc after the U.S., China and the European Union in a new official U.S. report.
India has been shining like a star through the global crisis. Countries around the globe are reeling under high unemployment rates and dismal growth rates. India on the other hand, has been giving good news with higher industrial output, higher growth rates, etc. However, at the same time India has also been in news for all the wrong reasons too. The Commonwealth Games have repeatedly highlighted the level of corruption in the country. To the extent that they are now being touted as the Commonwealth Same for the country.
However, the shining star story seems to have completely outweighed the corruption story. In a recent study conducted by US National Intelligence Council, India has been named as the third most powerful country in the world. With 8% of global power in its hands, India stands 3rd after United States (22% of power) and China (12% of power). If the European Union is included as a block, then it would account for 16% of global power, making India the fourth most powerful nation in the world. The model used by the agency took into account GDP, defense spending, population and technology for each country to come up with its rankings.
We are sure, all Indians would definitely be proud to hear this. To go from being a third world country to the third most powerful country in such a short period of time is definitely something to be proud of. However, let's not forget that power leads to corruption too. Maybe this is the explanation for the level of corruption that we are seeing in our country.
Good night my dearest ones, my family, my support system … it is late is it not...
Love ,
Naveen Jaiswal

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