Thursday, September 30, 2010


We are poised tonight at a most sensitive decision, that shall take place afternoon, in the history of the nation - the Ayodhya Verdict. In 1992 the Babri Masjid was brought down by Hindu right winger believers who claimed that it was the site of the birth place of Ram. Today a bench of the High Court in Allahabad shall declare the verdict as to the authenticity of each religious claim. It is feared that the verdict going either way shall instigate violence by either group. Immense preparations and positioning for the security has been taking place as per the reportage of the electronic media. All possible sensitive areas have been almost garrisoned by armed forces. Appeals and proclamations by prominent citizens has been the order of the day, when peace and harmony has been declared by each community. A tense and anxious nation waits with baited breath.

Each and every citizen of value has submitted itself to the judiciary and its final decision. The uncertainty is whether the word and assurance shall be carried out. I feel it will. There has never been such a strong demonstration by the media and by all concerned on the need to keep a balance in whatever the circumstances. Patience and will shall be on test today.

May there be only harmony and well being amongst us. We have remained a strong and principled nation and it is expected that we shall remain so. One only hopes that those elements that have in the past caused disturbance and harm are able to see that violence has never been the solution to such issues. Prayers then for peace to prevail.

we shall wait !!

Good Night…  Love to all…
Naveen Jaiswal

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